The Trivium Approach also known as the Classical Approach
The Latin word “trivium” means three roads. The trivium method focuses on a three-subject curriculum of Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric, which represented the lower division of the seven liberal arts taught in medieval universities. The method, which is very effective today, defines grammar, logic, and rhetoric differently than our modern definitions do. Allow us to explain further.
Delayed Academic Approach
by Michael Leppert The developers of this method are Dr. Raymond Moore and his wife, Dorothy. They partially homeschooled their two children and are pioneers in the homeschooling movement and responsible for many homeschooling laws in California. They began in the...
Realistic Charlotte Mason : The Benefits of Short Lessons in the Charlotte Mason Method
The idea of short lessons is often approached with skepticism by parents. I understand this completely, as I was a doubter myself. I have often asked parents this question, “Do you have anything to lose by trying it? If you were to try short lessons and find they did not work for you, couldn’t you just go back to long lessons?” I cannot even count the number of parents who tried this and now rave about short lessons.