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Introducing Pi

pi is an important number in mathematics. It is also a difficult concept for students when it is first introduced. pi = 3.14… approximately, but that is not quite right. pi = 3.14159… approximately, but that is not quite right either. pi = 22/7 but that is an approximation too. pi has been computed out to millions of digits, but the result is still an approximation.

Connect Your Family With Games

Many families now have more T.V. sets than people. Add to that the array of smart phones, computers and electronic game devices owned by most families and you get a recipe for family disconnection. One of the best advantages of homeschooling is family time together, but if we squander too much of that time in our separate electronic worlds, we lose a precious treasure forever. Time lost can never be regained and children are soon grown and gone.

The Children’s Gift Series – Books and More!

Ms Dionne Grayson is a writer of books of easy, positive encouragement for children and adults. She is a firm believer in the power of intention and developing self-belief and confidence in her readers. Her series of 10 titles in English and 10 that are paralleled in Spanish, comprise a Unit Study in Self-esteem. The books illustrate a variety of gifts (skills) that children have and how a school child can share his/her gift with classmates. Ms. Grayson offers suggestions of what careers a person with such a gift can pursue into adulthood. The books are printed on heavy, glossy,S beautiful paper and are brightly illustrated by Harry Aveira.


Coloring Concepts