Category: Online Learning

The Power of Educational Choice for All Learners

On behalf of the North Dakota Center for Distance Education (NDCDE), I extend the warmest greetings as you prepare for the upcoming school year. As homeschool families, you are likely making those final, often difficult decisions about curricula, delivery methods, daily schedules, meeting state legal requirements, and finding opportunities to connect your students to co-curricular and extracurricular activities in your community.

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Young – Where Young People Imagine & Create Tomorrow

The tech business world continues to explode across our lives, seeping into every corner of daily existence. Robotics and Game Development are forming our future in medicine and all walks of life. Young people who desire a secure and in-demand profession, allowing for creative thought, are flocking to educational services that offer sophisticated, deep training in Computer Science, Coding and Electronics.

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Coloring Concepts