Hawaii Homeschooling Laws
- Children between ages 6 through age 18
- Exceptions to Compulsory Education (Form 1040) or a letter of intent to homeschool should be sent to the principal of the public school in your neighborhood and would need to be acknowledged.
- Name, address and telephone number of child, birth date and grade level of child; and signature of the parent and date of signature.
- Parents are not required to officially enroll and un-enroll students in order to homeschool their child; therefore, no birth certificate or proof of residency is required.
- A parent teaching his/her child at home shall be deemed a qualified instructor regardless of educational background or training.
- The parents submitting a notice to homeschool their child shall be responsible for the child’s total educational program including athletics and other extracurricular activities.
- Must keep a record of planned curriculum with semester dates, hours per week, and subjects of instruction.
- An annual progress report, showing satisfactory progress in all content areas, shall be submitted at the end of each school year.
- Students are only required to test in grades 3, 5, 8, and 10, the student is eligible to participate in the assessments described in the above paragraph at the local public school
- Health records are not required for homeschooled children.
- Parents will re-submit intent only if the child transitions from elementary to middle school or middle school to high school, and if the child moves to another neighborhood.
- Parents are responsible for keeping a record of the planned curriculum for the child.
- High schoolers must attend at least three years of high school to meet the state requirements for a high school diploma.
Hawai’i State Department of Education
1390 Miller St.
Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 784-6200
Statewide Support Groups
Christian Homeschoolers of Hawaii
c/o 921739 Makakilo Dr. #18,
Kapolei, HI 96707
(808) 689-6398
email: hha-info@hawaiihomeschoolassociation.org
Tags: #Hawaii homeschooling, #Hawaii home education, #Christian Homeschoolers of Hawaii, #homeschooling laws in Hawaii, #Honolulu, #Hawaii Dept of Education,