Kansas Homeschool Laws
- Students to attend between ages 7 through 18.
- Periodic testing
- Must have a competent instructor.
- Attend a minimum of 186 days with not less than 6 hours per day.
- Homeschooling is considered a non-accredited private school and must register the school’s name and address with the Kansas Board of Education.
- Kansas does recognize Non-Accredited Private Schools.
- There is no fee charged to register a non-accredited private school.
- Registration Requirement Non-accredited private schools are required by law to register the name and address of the private elementary or secondary school (homeschool) with the State Board of Education. Registration consists of completing a form provided by the state showing the name and address of the school and the name and address of the official custodian of the school’s records.
- Registering a school does not mean the school has been “approved” by the State Board of Education.
- Curriculum and Books Non-accredited private schools are responsible for acquiring their own books and curriculum materials. Books may be purchased from private organizations, checked out through the public library, or rented from the public school with district approval.
- Extracurricular activities for Sports questions, please contact KSHSAA, as KSDE has no authority to make decisions over these activities. Kansas State High School Activities Association PO Box 495, Topeka KS 66601 Ph: 785.273.5329 Fax: 785.271.0236 kshsaa@kshsaa.org
- In the best interest of students attending non-accredited private schools that accurate and complete records of their progress be kept.
Homeschool questions Special Education and Title Services Team
(785) 368-7088
Kansas State Department of Education
900 S.W. Jackson Street, Suite 102
Topeka, Kansas 66612-1212
(785) 296-3201
Statewide Homeschool Groups
Conferences: www.midwesthomeschoolers.org
Tags: #Kansas homeschooling, #Kansas home education, #Kansas homeschooling laws, #Topeka,