Washington State

North Carolina


North Carolina Homeschooling Laws


  • Parents/guardians residing in North Carolina and desiring, in lieu of conventional school attendance, to home school their school-age children must.
  • Hold at least a high school diploma or its equivalent.
  • Send to DNPE a Notice of Intent to Operate a Home School. The notice must include the name and address of the school along with the chief administrator.​
  • The School Name must not exceed 30 charactersin length (including spaces and punctuation).
  • Any school submitting its Notice of Intent without providing a school name will automatically be assigned a school name as follows:  Last name of Chief Administrator + School (Example:  Smith School).
  • Elect to operate under either as a religious or as a non-religious school.
  • Operate (conduct instruction in) the home school on a regular schedule for at least nine calendar months of the year, excluding holidays and vacations.
  • Maintain at the school immunizationand annual attendance records for each student.
  • Have a nationally standardized achievement testadministered annually to each student. The test must involve the subject areas of English grammar, reading, spelling, and mathematics. Records of the test results must be retained at the home school for at least one year and made available to DNPE when requested.  The first standardized test must be administered within one year of the home school start date, and then annually thereafter. 
  • Notify DNPE when the school is no longer in operation.
  • Notice of intent is not necessary for children age 7 and under and children over the age of 18 or older
  • The State of North Carolina home school statistical year begins each July 1 and concludes the following June 30. Therefore, do not file your Notice of Intent until after July 1 of the home school statistical year in which your home school will begin initial operation.
  • A home school that has met the legal requirements for such a school is a non-public school. Consequently, a photocopy of the student’s cumulative record from his/her previous school may be obtained and kept at the site of the home school if the parent so desires. The last public or private educational institution which the student attended should retain the original record.
  • Do not withdraw your child from his/her present school or begin your school until you have received written acknowledgment from DNPE that your completed Notice of Intent to Operate a School.

NC Division of Non-Public Education

Second Floor – Room 2009F

116 West Jones Street

Raleigh, NC 27603




Statewide Support Groups

North Carolinians for Home Education More
4441 Six Forks Rd. Suite 106, Box 144 Raleigh, NC 27609
(844) 624-3338



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