by Emerson Sandow

The health and future of Family Farming is one of the most important issues America faces. Our food supply is best served by individual farming families who are on the same level as the people they serve – us! Corporate farming interests serve their shareholders and the bottom line, not consumers. Individual farming is also one of the riskiest self-employment options one can undertake!

The We R Fun Game company is close to the family farming world and their board game, Life on the Farm reflects that.

Life on the Farm resembles a countrified version of Monopoly. At the start, each player begins with $10,000 and no cattle. One of the squares on the board is “Cattle Auction” and when a player lands on it, you have the opportunity to buy as many cattle as you want for $500 each. If a bill has to be paid and you don’t have the cash, you have to sell enough cattle to pay it at $300 per head – a loss of $200 each — just like real life!

Each time you pass the Barn square, you get a “Milk check”. Its size is based on how many cows you own, so the more cows, the more Milk money, but your expenses are, too. Another real-life aspect is that market values of your cows are determined by a roll of the dice! Other realistic aspects of farm life that are included in the game are: Machinery breakdowns/repairs, feed costs, insurance, taxes and actual mishaps, like having a cow be accidentally shot by a hunter.

The first player to achieve 60 cows and $10,000 is the winner! The point of the game is not ruining other players, but handling your own resources in the face of often staggering obstacles, but all with a sense of humor – essential to being a real farmer. Life on the Farm is excellent for all ages, from 6 or 7 to adult, and there is even a separate Preschool Version available for the very young. The game has received enthusiastic feedback and comments, which you can read on the website along with ordering information and other interesting farming information

$28.99 regular version
$28.99 preschool version

35696 Moraine Dr.
Cushing, MN 56443
Ph: 320-630-1571