[Howard Gardner is an American developmental psychologist and a professor at Harvard University. He has held various research positions there since the late 1970s.

Gardner is best known for his theory of multiple intelligences, originally presented in his 1983 book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Gardner retired from teaching in 2019.  He continues his research and writing, including many blogs.

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While a parent’s main focus on this topic might be for the benefit of the children, adults gain life skills from knowledge of the multiple intelligences. You can gain career guidance from knowing the main intelligences that you possess. You understand yourself and your spouse more clearly as you analyze your personality and inner self through this prism.

Main Intelligence vs. Main Learning Style
According to Gardner, the difference between the main Intelligence and your main Learning style is that the Intelligence is an intellectual ability and a Learning Style is the way in which an individual approaches a range of tasks.

Original 7 Intelligences
In 1983, the Harvard Developmental Psychologist, Howard Gardner, put forth his theory of 7 multiple intelligences in his book “Frames of Mind”. Here is the list of those 7:

Logical-mathematical intelligence
People with this intelligence as their primary,

  • Demonstrate mathematical aptitude   
  • Like problem-solving and understanding what makes things tick
  • Enjoy puzzles and manipulatives
  • Gravitate toward computer technology

Linguistic intelligence (aka Word Smart)

  • Creative writing
  • Debates & Public Speaking
  • Enjoys words and word games
  • Likes reading & Spelling

Spatial Intelligence

  • Ability to envision objects in the mind’s eye & move them or examine them
  • City Planners and architects need this intelligence to perform their work
  • Dancers have this intelligence well-developed
  • Da Vinci and other painters also possess a high degree of spatial intelligence

Musical Intelligence

  • Might have perfect pitch or perfect relative pitch
  • Sees rhythmic patterns
  • Enjoy the SOUND of language, such as poetry
  • Good singing voice. Sensitive to mood and nuance of music

Bodily-kinesthetic Intelligence

  • Excels at sports, has good fine-motor skills
  • Likes to move; dance, wiggle
  • Using a bouncy ball for a chair; hand grippers aid learning
  • Has excellent control over his body
  • Learns best through movement

Intrapersonal Intelligence (Self Smart)

  • Likes to spend time along, thinking
  • Prefers working alone
  • Good at understanding self
  • Learns best through self-exploration, reflection, journaling

Interpersonal Intelligence (People Smart)

  • Good communicator
  • Diplomatic Empathetic
  • Likes group projects
  • Good negotiator. Has lots of friends

Later, Gardner added 2 more to the original 7:
Naturalistic Intelligence

  • Ability to deal with elements of the environment in detail
  • Deep concern for the environment
  • Like to be in nature as much as possible
  • Excel at identifying plants – natural leaders & authors of foraging books, etc.

Existential Intelligence

  • Deep sensitivity & curiosity about the meaning of existence
  • One of the most complex Intelligences in Gardner’s research
  • Are comfortable discussing serious questions and strive to find answers
  • Includes desire to explore & answer what happens after death