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By Michael Leppert

HomeSchool Nes Link

Carol’s Affordable Curriculum offers homeschooling parents and teachers/caregivers of preschoolers a line of complete curriculum for learning. The curriculum provides an activity for each Monday through Friday, to serve preschools as well as homeschoolers. The curriculum consists of worksheets, songs, arts & crafts projects and fun books of puzzles, etc.

In the first level of the curriculum, children learn to create arts & crafts, using markers, crayons and painting, while using their imaginations.

In the next level, Prek-K, a preparatory for kindergarten, the child continues with what was in the first level, but now adds cutting and pasting arts projects and continue to be imaginative.

Carol’s Curriculum provides a Christian Track and non-Christian Track that parallel above 2 levels that are non-Christian. The Christian versions include Bible verses and stories. This is a unique feature of Carol’s – a preschool curriculum that includes Bible messages. It contains the same arts & crafts projects, with cutting and pasting as the non-Christian ones. Both versions introduce 2-3 alphabet letters, 1-2 numbers, 1 color and 1 shape each month.

Carol’s Curriculum is designed around the theories of Jean Piaget, a Swiss psychologist, young child development scientist and theorist of cognitive development, who believed that young children learn best through hands-on experiences.

Carol’s also offers flexibility, allowing parents to change their custom-packed order month to month. The curriculum works together with all of its elements, creating a seamless environment for teaching and learning.

Some of the Carol’s titles are “Alphabet for Toddlers” and “Alphabet Puzzle Book”, which used together can present the information and then reinforce it with fun activities. Studies have shown that fun is the most effective way to learn and Carol’s has done the design work for you, with fun curriculum already made. Other titles include: Seasonal Coloring Packets with 40 pictures in each of 4 volumes, to color and remember; Christian Coloring Packets of Jesus, Bible Families, Bible Stories, Christmas and Noah’s Ark, a 12-month Coloring Packet, and more!

To see the entire line of Carol’s Affordable Curriculum, visit www.carolscurriculum.com and shop for a while. Ω