
by Michael Leppert

Brenda Ellis, owner and instructor of Artistic Pursuits, has been teaching art in classrooms and to homeschoolers for over 25 years. She and her late husband, co-founder, Daniel, wanted to bring the uplifting world of art to anyone who was willing to learn. The results of their efforts are an extensive and beautiful line of lessons and materials that can lead a Pre-K child (all the way to an adult) through the incredible world of visual arts. Brenda begins by teaching the student how to “see” as an artist; how to courageously create one’s own art pieces by observing her video instructions and then jumping in with both feet – and hands – to plumb this limitless environment.

Some salient points about the ARTistic Pursuits program:

  • Age ranges from Pre-K to adult
  • Ideal for homeschoolers, as parental involvement is key to satisfying art learning
  • Removes guess-work about having covered a topic/skill enough
  • Extensive Lessons in Art Appreciation and actual Art Techniques
  • Discussions about the nature of art throughout history, Ancient to Modern, with many visual examples (a great Unit Study element)
  • Video instruction in various disciplines – watercolor, clay, gouache, folding & cutting construction paper and much more
  • All materials are available for purchase
  • Very affordable prices for each complete Lesson Module

One module, Vol. 6 Art of the Impressionists, features 18 lessons with projects that invite children into the world of the French Impressionists. You receive:
64 page streamed Flip Book Text with 12 art appreciation lessons
6 video course lessons and much more

Visit the website and spend a quiet hour or two viewing all of the resources the Ellis Family has to offer you and your budding artist or art patron! Ω