Missouri Homeschooling Laws https://www.mo.gov/education/k-12/ Overview: • Mandatory instruction age 7 through high school graduation • Parents are required to provide 1,000 hours of instruction each year. • At least 600 of those hours must be in the five core subjects: Reading, Math, Social Studies, Language Arts, & Science and be able to show documentation of such instruction. • At least 400 of those 600 must occur “at the regular home school location.” • Lower grade students are not required to take standardized tests. High school students are required to take assessments at the end of each course. Families for Home Education (FHE), https://fhe-mo.org/ is the primary statewide organization. It was founded in 1983 and maintains a full-time lobbyist in Jefferson City to ensure that home school freedoms remain intact in Missouri. Regional Directors are available for information about home education throughout the state. Missouri Association of Teaching Christian Homes (MATCH) http://www.match-inc.org/ This is a statewide group that serves all homeschooling interests while striving to develop a Christ-like character in homeschooling member students. 2203 Rhonda Drive, West Plains, MO 65775-1615; Ph: (816) 550-8641 Conventions: Great Homeschool Conventions – https://greathomeschoolconventions.com/locations/missouri Missouri Homeschool Convention – https://10times.com/missouri-homeschool-convention