Rhode Island State Laws
- Students attend school ages 6 through 18
- State law requires the instruction be in English and the curriculum to include: reading writing, geography, arithmetic, history of the United States, history of Rhode Island, principles of American Government, health and physical education. Also, beginning with fourth grade, history and government of Rhode Island must be taught. In high school, the U.S. Constitution and Rhode Island Constitution must be taught.
- Seek approval from local district, keep attendance records and school 180 days with a minimum of 5.5 hours per day
- Rhode Island Department Education does not directly supervise home instruction.In Rhode Island, approval of home instruction occurs at the local school district level.
- Parents do not need a teaching certificate and only have to show that they are able to provide “thorough and efficient” instruction.
- Parents will need school committee approval before you begin home instruction.
- Parents need to present your proposed home-schooling program to your local school committee for approval.Your plan will need to show how you will teach the required subjects.
- There should be an agreement between you and your local school committee regarding how your child’s academic progress will be evaluated.
- Regular reports should be submitted to the person in charge of home schooling in your district.
Rhode Island Department of Education
255 Westminster Street
Providence, RI 02903
Phone: 401-222-4600
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