Do your homeschool students want to learn to code, build web pages, or create video games? Do they need to learn critical computing skills to help them succeed in school or life? CompuScholar has homeschool-friendly curricula for your family!

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Computer Skills
In today’s world, all students need to know the basics of word processing, spreadsheets, presentation programs, operating systems, safe online behavior, and general computing skills. CompuScholar’s self-study, self-paced courses can be administered by any homeschool teacher, even if you’re not an expert yourself!

Check out the “Course Syllabus” tab to the left of each course description page for a detailed list of topics and pacing guidance.

Coding Courses
Software engineering is a great, long-term career choice. If your students are interested in learning to code, CompuScholar’s online courses teach a variety of introductory languages and skills.

No prior coding experience is needed. Just select the course that matches your student’s age and interests and get started today!

How it Works
CompuScholar is a publisher of online curricula. All courses are delivered online to your web browser and come with:

  • Step-by-step self-study lessons
  • Integrated instructional videos
  • Automatically graded lesson quizzes, chapter tests and an electronic gradebook
  • Hands-on programming and computing projects with easy-to-follow solutions
  • Teacher’s guides, answer keys, fully coded activity solutions
  • Individual student and teacher accounts

There are no set schedules or meeting times; students can begin any time and work at their own pace. The homeschool parent is the teacher of record, though we gladly provide free technical support and answer student questions.

For more details, please see our How it Works page!

Get Instant Access Today

To get started, click on “Pricing and Options” near the left side of each course description page. Student subscriptions can be purchased per-month or per-year. Click on “Add to Cart” when ready to get started! After purchase, you will immediately receive email with your course registration instructions.

Tags: coding, online software engineering, online curricula, self-paced computer courses, programming projects,